Yoga and the Breath

Conscious breathing is called “prana yoga”. It is the most important preliminary practice of all yoga and meditation sessions. It is very good for physical health as it greatly bolsters the immune system. For a beginner, simply sit comfortably in a chair with your feet flat on the floor, or cross-legged on a cushion. 1. Back straight 2. Head slightly tilted forward 3. Eyes open to view space, softly gaze 2 feet in front of eyes. Don’t look at your nose or the floor. 4. Hands in lap or resting on the knees 5. Mouth closed Take a natural full breath into lungs and diaphragm expanding, then exhale, this is counted as one breath. Watch yourself doing this for a minute or two, then count ten breaths, at the end of the 10th count stop counting and again simply watch your breath for one or two minutes. Next, start the count again and go to ten. Do this five times. Then relax and watch your thoughts with no emotional involvement.

Stay alert, stay present, not too tight, not too loose. If one experiences “non thought” do not attach to the bliss of that experience. Relaxed awareness is the ultimate medicine. No more meditation will be the end result. This is mind training mind to become ego “less”. Post meditation practice is to mix this training in awareness with all daily (and nightly) activities. Have compassion for your thoughts. All living beings are your mothers and life support group. Ah women !

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